It is possible to undertake and profit from recycling waste wood if transformed into pallets, briquettes, organic fertilizers, firewood. And, still, they can be used in the furniture industry. Taking on recycling becomes a source of profit.

The recycling of wood waste presents viable and exciting solutions in the economic and sustainable environment. Recycling allows for capturing income and increasing company profits. Also, it reduces the need for cutting trees and discarding wood in the background.

Recycling Of Wood Waste

Recycling wood waste begins with collecting the material at the sites that are generated. After receiving the waste goes to the company responsible for applying the recycling process to transform the waste into other products. These products can be marketed, generating profit to the treatise.

The recycling process can generate several byproducts. Soon the process begins in the step of separating impurities, such as nails or metal strips. This separation occurs through the grinding of the wood.

One of the byproducts of the recycling process is agglomerated slabs.

The crushed one undergoes a process of agglomeration, transforming the wood into plates. Agglomerated slabs can be marketed to several other companies, but the primary consumers of recycled are the real estate industries and box and packaging manufacturers. Or industries that use recycled waste to heat furnaces and boilers. Also, wood can be marketed to paper and pulp manufacturers.

Another way to commercialize the wood residue is through chips and sawdust. And there is a market for this material. The organic fertilizer manufacturing industries use flakes and sawdust in fertilizer production.

The largest consumer of wood waste recycling is mainly the construction industry. The waste is reused for architectural finishes, floors, among other compositions capable of generating more significant value to the property.

The Consumer Market For Wood Waste

Wood residues can be marketed to:

Composting: organic fertilizer prepared from vegetable and animal remains. Wood chips and sawdust are added in this process.

Structural Residue: it is efficient for the biodegradability of the sewage sludge coming from the sewage treatment plants before the composting process.

Energy production: used as biomass for energy production;

Use as firewood: mainly in ovens of bakeries, ceramics, and pottery.

Charcoal: used in masonry kilns known as “medals” or “cameras” in the production of coal.

Production of panels: the residue is used in the agglomerated wood factories. Production of briquettes: the briquette is made from fragments of pressed and dried wood.

Production of Pap: wood debris can be used in the manufacture of pulp.

Wood flour: the flour is obtained by the process of grinding the various wood chips. It is a raw material that generates several finished or semi-finished products, for industries of plastics, castings, plywood, explosives or footwear.